April 27, 2024

Nutritional deficiencies and ways to prevent them.

Nutritional deficiency involves an intake of nutrients that is lower than the estimated average requirement, whereas “nutritional deficiency” consists of severely reduced levels of one or more nutrients, making the body unable to normally perform its functions and thus leading to an increased risk of several diseases like cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.
Nutritional deficiency also occurs when the body is not getting enough nutrients such as vitamins and minerals. There are a number of conditions that are caused by nutritional deficiency such as anemia. The body requires vitamins to stay healthy and function properly.

Diseases associated to nutritional deficiency:

Deficiency diseases occur due to the absence of vitamins and minerals in our bodies. We now also know that a lack of dietary fiber results in constipation. Over nutrition occurs when a person consumes more energy than he/she can use up, so he/she becomes fat. Such a person is said to be obese and that is one of the most common problems in developed countries. One of the main problems is the overconsumption of saturated fats and cholesterol, which increases coronary heart disease.

The following are list of diseases that can be caused by nutritional deficiency;
  • Scurvy: It is caused by a deficiency of vitamin C.
  • Rickets: It is caused by the deficiency of vitamin D.
  • Anaemia: It is caused by the deficiency of iron.
  • Goitre: It is caused by the deficiency of iodine.
  • Kwashiorkor: is a disease marked by severe protein malnutrition and bilateral extremity swelling. It usually affects infants and children, most often around the age of weaning through age 5. The disease is seen in very severe cases of starvation and poverty.
  • Marasmus: is due to severe of protein and calorie in the diet. The common signs and symptoms include loss of body weight and failure in weight gain, body fat depletion, muscles are wasted. The marasmic child is characterized with its thin, lean skinny appearance whereas a kwashiorkor child is flabby with edema or swelling in the body.

Nutritional Deficiency Disorders

  • Nutritional Disorders
  • Carbohydrate Mal-absorption.
  • Disorders of Amino Acid Absorption.
  • Disorders of Fat Digestion.
  • Disorders of Metal Absorption.
  • Disorders of Protein Digestion.
  • Disorders of Vitamin Absorption.
  • Growth Problems.
  • Iron Deficiency Anemia.
  • Malabsorption
  • Malnutrition
  • Obesity
  • Protein-Losing Enteropathy

 what are the major causes of nutritional deficiency?

The major causes of nutritional deficiencies are insufficient intake of food, inability to absorb nutrients, and consumption of diets that lack some of the essential nutrients.

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Steps to combating nutritional deficiency

1. Eat minimally processed whole foods: When you can’t eat 100 percent natural food, therefore, make sure that at least 80-90 percent of your food comes from minimally processed sources. Protein, healthy fats, nuts, seeds, and fibrous carbohydrates will ensure you receive a wide spectrum of minerals, vitamins, enzymes, and fiber. These foods are also low-hanging fruit for better overall health and will minimize the need to supplement the nutrients you need.

2. Eat your fruits and vegetables :The best way to avoid any nutritional deficiency is by consuming a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. Some of the healthiest cultures around the world eat five to seven servings of fruits and vegetables daily, and they don’t eat the same thing year-round.  Also, you do not have to restrict your diet to only seasonal fruits and vegetables to avoid nutrient deficiency always eat accordinly.

3. Have your blood work analyzed: People who spend billions of dollars on nutritional supplements are not always just following a fad; therefore, the right supplements can actually be beneficial to fight nutrient deficiencies. To supplement successfully, however, be sure to have your blood work professionally analyzed. Otherwise, your guesses are just shots in the dark. If you can’t afford to have blood work completed, a high-quality multivitamin may be your next best option.

4. Choose a high-quality multivitamin:    subsequently, It’s important to remember that multivitamins supplement a healthy diet; they don’t replace it. Your emphasis when choosing a multivitamin should be on high quality, meaning it has at least two of the four most important seals of approval: ConsumerLab.com (approved quality product seal), NSF (international dietary supplement certification), USP (dietary supplement verification program), or CGMP (ensures quality for drugs and supplements).

Ways to prevent nutritional deficiencies in children

  • Encourage Adequate Protein Intake.
  • Serve Home-Made Juices.
  • Teach Them To Say No To Processed Food.
  • Make Milk Tastier For Them.
  • Prepare Healthy Snacks For Them.
  • Take A Sunshine Tour.

ways to prevent nutritional deficiencies in adults

  • Eat smaller meals and snacks more frequently. …
  • Avoid non-nutritious beverages such as black coffee and tea; instead choose milk and juices.
  • Try to eat more protein and fat, and less simple sugars.
  • Walk or participate in light activity to stimulate your appetite.

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